Radiometer Medical ApS ئاپەکان

Blood gas - Preanalytics 2.4
Radiometer Medical ApS
Blood gas - Preanalytics Studies show that preanalytical errorsarethe reason for 62% of all errors in laboratory medicine [1]."Thediagnostic consequences depend on the magnitude ofthepreanalytical error. In worst case, these errors may leadtomistreatment of patients; in all cases, these errors are anextraworkload for the hospital staff involved" [2]. This appfocuses onthe preanalytical phase of blood gas testing and whatoperators cando to avoid errors. The recommendations are based onexistingliterature and international best practices. Examplesareconstructed, unless specific reference is given, with thepurposeof illustrating the consequence of preanalytical errors.Thecontent provided here is owned and maintained by RadiometerMedicalApS, a Danish limited liability company with its registeredofficeat Åkandevej 21, 2700 Brønshøj, Denmark ("Radiometer"). Formoreinformation on Radiometer, go to References[1]Carraro P et al. Errors in a stat laboratory. Types andfrequencies10 years later. Clin Chem 2007; 53,7: 1338-42. [2]Wennecke G.Useful tips to avoid preanalytical errors in blood gastesting:electrolytes. Oct 2003. HANDBOOKThehandbook part describes several types of errors that canoccurduring and after sampling and gives tips on how to avoidsuchpreanalytical errors. As a key feature, the handbooksectioncontains videos showing how to properly collect a blood gassampleby arterial puncture, through an arterial line or bycapillarysampling. TROUBLESHOOTING Exceptionally high or low valuesof agiven parameter may be due to one or several types ofpreanalyticalerrors. The troubleshooting section is a good toolwhen you areexperiencing difficulties evaluating if measuredresults reflectpatient status or if a preanalytical error may haveoccurred. SKILLTEST How good are you at avoiding preanalyticalerrors in blood gastesting? Test your knowledge about how to avoidpreanalyticalerrors.